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Let Your Critics Be Your Best Teachers

The title of this blog may surprise you, as it did myself when I first seen the video posted on a friends Facebook page recently. Before watching it I said to myself "how can spectators and critics be my best teachers". I have listened to a lot of lectures by Wanye Dyer and Les Brown lately with similar convincing arguments but the presenter was neither one of them. You see I associated negative emotions from past experiences to cloud my judgement. My thought immediately recalled my yogi teacher stating "the power of living in the present can be rewarding". Sometime easier said then done, huh? 

It takes courage to look at ourselves completely "naked" stripped from our outside attachments that identify us amongst our social groups.  It leaves us vulnerable and challenges us to question our belief systems, whether it be our own beliefs or our programed family beliefs. So the next time you are presented with a "critic", detach from the emotional response and allow the "experience" to be your motivating building block to  successful and whole you.

                    Every person that comes within our sphere is our healing partner. Rev.Valerie Love

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